Body contouring or sculpting is not designed or implemented as a gender-specific procedure. Just like women, men search for this minimally invasive aesthetic procedure to look and feel their best.

According to Dr Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a cosmetic surgeon in Bangalore, men's body sculpting differs from that of women due to distinct body anatomies, necessitating different surgical approaches for optimal results.

Here are the top 5 cosmetic body contouring surgeries sought after by Indian men.

  1.     Liposuction for men

Liposuction is a very common plastic surgery option that helps get rid of undesirable, surplus fat via suction. It is performed using a thin tube called a cannula which is moved back and forth in the site of the stubborn fat deposits to dislodge the fat cells. The cannula is attached to a vacuum that helps suck out the broken-down fatty tissues. The most common area in which this procedure is performed in men is the flanks. There are versions of liposuction available such as power-assisted and laser-assisted liposuction that help melt fat and make removal easier.  

  1.     Gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia is a male-specific condition characterized by enlargement or swelling of the breasts in men. This male breast reduction surgery can help address male boobs and restore a masculine chest contour by removing the extra breast tissues. The surgery involves making small incisions around the nipples to excise the extra breast skin and tissues. For fat removal from breasts, liposuction is performed.

  1.     Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) for men

A tummy tuck is a body contouring surgery that helps remove extra, loose skin and fat from the abdominal region. The surgeon is even performed to tighten the abdominal muscles and strengthen the core which has added benefits. There are two popular versions of abdominoplasty: full and mini tummy tuck.

A full tummy tuck involves making an incision along the base of the lower tummy and around the navel. In some cases, it is done to reposition the navel. A mini tummy tuck involves making a shorter incision just above the groyne and it is done to remove extra skin only from the lower abdomen. When carrying out tummy tuck for men, the surgeon needs to slightly adjust the techniques used in tummy tuck surgery to create contours and shapes that align with the male physique. Contact Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad for more details on this amazing skin tightening surgery for males.

  1.     Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) for men

Arm lift surgery is meant for the removal of extra skin and fat from the upper arms that extend from underarms to elbows. In males, an arm lift surgery can help improve the muscular definition of the arms and get toned arms which are traditionally the prominent feature of the masculine body. After an arm lift, men can confidently wear fitted clothing and achieve the desired results of weight lifting and other arm exercises.

  1.     Thighplasty (Thigh Lift) for men

Thigh lift surgery is done to remove extra skin and fat from the inner and/or outer thighs. There are different techniques available to perform a thigh lift, depending on the direction and extent of the skin's laxity. With a thigh lift, men can achieve a defined musculature and conform to the male aesthetic. They can get leaner thighs and more proportionate lower body.

Cosmetic surgeries for men are becoming increasingly popular, enabling them to achieve their desired masculine look. To learn more, you can get in touch with the surgeon, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanya, for additional details on male body contouring.

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